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Reference SPF15-8019
Reference SPF15-8019 — Murcia Property For Sale
Land in the Torre del Rico area
Land area - 8,685 m²
Water : Mains Electricity : Mains
Telephone : Possible Internet : Possible
Description in English
outskirts of town
close to town
quiet location
good road access
very good access
electricity possible
water possible
traditional village
countryside views
telephone possible
internet possible
Building plot in Torre del Rico
This building plot is on the main road between Cañada del Trigo and Torre del Rico. The land is 8.685m² big and totally fenced.
Very quiet area and beautiful views.
Water and electricity possible.
Descripción en español
afueras de la ciudad, cerca de la ciudad, zona tranquila, buena carretera de acceso, muy buen acceso, campo, electricidad posible, agua posible, pueblo tradicional, interior, vistas al campo, teléfono posible, posible de Internet
16,400 pounds
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