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Reference SPF19-5174
Reference SPF19-5174 — Almeria Property For Sale
A commercial in the Arboleas area
Land area - 1 hectare
Water : Mains Electricity : Mains
Telephone : Possible Internet : Possible
Description in English
Nave Francisco - A commercial in the Arboleas area. (Resale)
A great opportunity to purchase this commercial building with 10,000m2 of fenced usable land currently fitted as kennels with a separate garage.
There is mains water connected and a septic tank.
There is a deal to be had here.
Descripción en español
Una gran oportunidad para comprar este edificio comercial con 10,000m2 de terreno útil vallado actualmente habilitado como perrera con garaje independiente.
Hay agua de red conectada y un tanque séptico.
Aquí hay un trato.
67,520 pounds
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